Friday, July 02, 2004

LTk and listboxes

Scrolling a listbox is a common requirement in many apps. The Tk listbox widget is very useful also because one can pack huge amounts of data in it very quickly. I was planning to use it for some data display functionality. So the experimentation started with a simple scrolling listbox. The first test was this

(defun test-scroll ()
(let* ((vs (make-instance 'scrollbar))
(hs (make-instance 'scrollbar :orientation "horizontal"))
(lb (make-instance 'listbox)))
(configure vs "command" (concatenate 'string (path lb) " yview"))
(configure hs "command" (concatenate 'string (path lb) " xview"))
(configure lb "yscrollcommand" (concatenate 'string (path vs) " set"))
(configure lb "xscrollcommand" (concatenate 'string (path hs) " set"))
(listbox-append lb (apply #'* (loop for x from 1 to 100 collect x)))
(listbox-append lb (loop for x from 1 to 100 collect x))
(grid lb 0 0 :sticky "snew")
(grid vs 0 1 :sticky "ns")
(grid hs 1 0 :sticky "ew")))))

The xscrolling is redundant here but I wanted to try it anyway. Peter Herth (the author of LTk) also informed me that the PROGN is not needed. I still like to put it there anyway. So one thing I needed to try is scrolling multiple listboxes. This code has Peter's fix and the PROGN comment.

(defun test-scroll-3 ()
(let* ((s1 (make-instance 'scrollbar))
(lb1 (make-instance 'listbox))
(lb2 (make-instance 'listbox)))
(progn ;; you do not need a progn here...
;;; just define the tcl function by sending it to wish:
"proc ScrollListboxes {listboxes args} {
foreach lb $listboxes {
eval $lb yview $args
;; now configuring the scrollbar works as in tk:
(configure s1 "command" (format nil "ScrollListboxes {~a ~a}" (path lb1) (path lb2)))
(configure lb1 "yscrollcommand" (concatenate 'string (path s1) " set"))
(configure lb2 "yscrollcommand" (concatenate 'string (path s1) " set"))
(listbox-append lb1 (loop for x from 1 to 20 collect x))
(listbox-append lb2 (loop for x from 1 to 20 collect x))
(grid lb1 0 0 :sticky "news")
(grid lb2 0 1 :sticky "news")
(grid s1 0 2 :sticky "ns")
(listbox-append lb1 (loop for x from 21 to 40 collect x))
(listbox-append lb2 (loop for x from 21 to 40 collect x))))))

And based on this, I came up with this for data display

(defun data-display (colnames data)
(let ((ld (length colnames)))
(let* ((df (make-instance 'frame))
(lbs (loop for i from 1 to ld collect (make-instance 'listbox :master df)))
(sb (make-instance 'scrollbar :master df)))
"proc ScrollListboxes {listboxes args} {
foreach lb $listboxes {
eval $lb yview $args
(mapcar #'(lambda (lbox)
(configure lbox "yscrollcommand" (concatenate 'string (path sb) " set"))) lbs)
(configure sb "command"
(format nil "ScrollListboxes {~{~a ~}}"
(mapcar #'(lambda (lb) (path lb)) lbs)))
(wm-title *tk* "Result Set")
(configure df "width" 800)
(configure df "height" 600)
(pack df :expand 1 :fill "both")
(loop for y from 0 to (1- ld) and name in colnames do
(let ((lbl (make-instance 'label :text name :master df)))
(grid lbl 0 y :sticky "w")))
(loop for y from 0 to (1- ld) and lbx in lbs do
(grid lbx 1 y))
(grid sb 1 ld :sticky "ns")
(loop for y from 0 to (1- ld) and lbx in lbs do
(listbox-append lbx (mapcar #'(lambda (row) (nth y row)) data)))))))

This can be called as shown below. The two args are the field names and the data. Buggy but functional.

(data-display '("foo" "bar" "baz") '((a b c) (d e f) ("blah" "blah" "blah")))

Now, if only I can figure out how to limit this from jumping of the screen and proper horizontal scrolling, it might be more useful


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