Using CL-PPCRE for weblog search
A little while ago, I wrote a search facility for my weblog. This was for personal use, and the code might be very primitive. However, here are the main functions that I used.
;;; This program depends on CL-PPCRE. It should be loaded
;;; as a package first or available in the lisp image
(defun file-to-string (file)
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(with-open-file (str file :direction :input)
(loop for line = (read-line str nil 'eof)
while (not (equal line 'eof))
collect line))))
(defun scan-in-file (srch file)
"scan for a single occurence of the string in the file"
(cl-ppcre:scan srch (file-to-string file)))
;;; Takes a list of pathnames as the arg for dir.
;;; (scan-in-directory "blah" (directory "*.txt"))
(defun scan-in-directory (srch dir)
(let ((files (loop for x in dir collect
(namestring x))))
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (file)
(scan-in-file srch file)) files)))
;;; searches the tree below current dir.
;;; (search-in-tree "question" "*.txt")
(defun search-in-tree (srch wildcard)
(let ((dir (nconc (directory wildcard)
(directory (concatenate 'string "*/" wildcard)))))
(scan-in-directory srch dir)))
;;; Creates a url that a browser can visit
(defun create-url (file-name base-dir)
(let ((base-url (ext:getenv "SERVER_NAME")))
(let ((fpname (pathname file-name)))
(let ((abs-path (pathname-directory fpname))
(name (pathname-name fpname))
(type (pathname-type fpname)))
(let ((p (position base-dir abs-path :test #'equalp)))
(let ((rem-dirs (nthcdr (1+ p) abs-path)))
(let ((rem-path (namestring (make-pathname :directory (cons :absolute rem-dirs)))))
(concatenate 'string "http://" base-url "/" base-dir rem-path name "." type))))))))
If someone is curious enough to try it, its here
Mini Weblog Search Feature
I've used my homegrown CGI library, although this server does have mod_lisp installed, which I would like to play with when I have time.
For what it's worth, I usually write file-to-string something like:
(defun file-to-string.xach (file)
(with-open-file (stream file)
(let* ((length (file-length stream))
(contents (make-array length :element-type 'character)))
(read-sequence contents stream)
[blogger has screwed the formatting up]
It's slightly different from your function, but much faster.
Also, it's a little uncommon to abbreviate stuff like "search" to "srch". Why not use the real word?
Thanks for the code Zach. You could probably use "pre" tags for formatting. As far as the abbreviation to srch is concerned, I have no idea why I did that. Its understandable enough to not be confused with anything else I guess.
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